#TestingProcedure – DIYLaptopMods https://diylaptopmods.com Mods for Lenovo Thinkpad Sun, 29 Aug 2021 20:00:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://i0.wp.com/diylaptopmods.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/cropped-logo-v2-1.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 #TestingProcedure – DIYLaptopMods https://diylaptopmods.com 32 32 214585418 DLM Testing process for Charging modules https://diylaptopmods.com/2020/02/22/make-your-investment-wisely/ Sat, 22 Feb 2020 01:06:18 +0000 https://diylaptopmods.com/2021/08/29/make-your-investment-wisely/

Because this project was born from passion for technology we wish to be as transparent as possible with you and the entire community. We will walk you thru our testing so you can see for yourself how we manage this process and if you have any questions we are here to respond 🙂 .

We are testing from each batch of boards 3 random samples.

After the board (PCBa) is assemled we walk thru the following steps :
1. We check the board under a digital microscope to ensure all the connections are clean. ( We are doing this for absolutely all the boards.)
2. We use a Type-C Charger tester ( we use various but to list a couple : RuiDeng TC66C, King Meter Power-Z KM001) to check if the PD protocol was triggered and what voltage level we are pulling fron the charger.
3. Using a Digital Multimeter we are testing the output voltage of the module. We expect to see 20V at the out for a good working module.
4. We solder 2 wires, one on VOUT and the other one on GND in order to connect the module to our Load Tester. 
5. We start the load testing. The load testing is done in 3 stages :
a. We are testing for 1-2h 30W load.
b. We are testing for 1-2h 65W load.
c. We are testing for 1-2h 90w-100W load.
*We are using a digital load and therefore it is difficult to keep it load at precisely 100W due to the fact that the elements of the load heat up and slightly change their properties resulting in load variations.
6. We take the module and run the tests from steps 1  to 3 again.
7. We solder the connector for one of the laptops that we use for testing ( normally a Lenovo Thinkpad x230) and charge the laptop using the module. ( Dependes what is the charge level of the laptop when we start so we can not say we charge from an empty battery each time.)

If all the above steps are successful we consider the PCB batch is good and we can proceed to start the assembly of the modules. 

Below a few pictures from the load testing :
